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 Inuzuka Heiuemon Tadatsugu(犬塚平右衛門忠次), the third head of the Inuzuka family served Tokugawa Ieyasu(徳川家康). He had stood out in the Battle of Ooigawa (大井川)and guarded Tokugawa Ieyasu(家康) during the Battles of Komaki-Nagakute(小牧長久手)and Sekigahara(関ケ原), while also acted as a messenger to convey orders and negotiated with the opposing forces.

​ In times of peace, he served as Commander for the construction of Nijo Castle(二条城)and Hikone Castle(彦根城)and also compiied maps of Keicho Kuniezu(慶長国絵図)to investigate the power of various feudal lords. His descendants guarded Tokugawa Shogun(徳川将軍)in Edo Castle(江戸城)and watched various feudal lords working for Tokugawa Shogun(徳川将軍)in Osaka Castle(大坂城)and descendants of their branch family served the Hikone Ii family(彦根井伊家)and the Matsudaira Suo no Kami family(松平周防守家)as high-level officers in the domains.

 The Inuzuka family descended from a branch of Fujiwara no Hidesato(藤原秀郷)and were the local lords of the Mikawa Nemunoki village(三河合歓木村). During the Mikawa Ikko Ikki uprising(三河一向一揆), which arose as a result that Tokugawa Ieyasu(徳川家康)broke a rule which the Shinshu temples(真宗寺院)were not taxed, Tadatsugu’s father, Shichizo(忠次の父、七蔵), as a samurai believer, confronted Tokugawa Ieyasu(徳川家康) at Shomanji Temple(勝蔓寺)in Harizaki(針崎). 

The ninth head of the family, Tadayasu(忠休)was born as the fifth son of Horikawa Hiromasu(堀川広益), who descended from the Konoe(近衛家)and the Koga(久我家)families, and was adopted into the Inuzuka family. His lineage is connected to Maeda Toshiie(前田利家), Akechi Mitsuhide(明智光秀)and Hosokawa Fujitaka(細川藤孝).

Zenninji Temple(善仁寺)is the Inuzuka’s family temple of many generations of ancestors, beginning with the fourth head of the Inuzuka family, Inuzuka Heiuemon Shigeyo(犬塚平右衛門重世)(died in 1655).